Welcome to the North
Macedonia IEEE ED/IM/SSC Chapter Web page
After the petition has been submitted to the IEEE
Headqaurters the Joint Republic of Macedonia IEEE Electron
Devices Society, Instrumentation & Measurement Society
and Solid State Circuits Society (EDS/IMS/SSCS)
Chapter has been approved on July 16, 2007.
All three societies are
active in the areas of electron devices, instrumentation
and measurement and solid state circuits thereof. Each
society organizes a conference annually.
Chapter Objective
Our aim is to act as a facilitator in the area of electron
devices, instrumentation and measurements and solid state
circuits in North Macedonia, to promote communication
within the Macedonian scientific and engineering community
and strengthen national and international ties in
As an IEEE member of the IEEE North Macedonia Section you
are also automatically a member of our Chapter when you
have selected either the EDS (Soc. code 015) and/or the IMS
(Soc. code 009)
and/or the as one of the SSCS (Soc. code 037) societies on
your IEEE membership application form. Electronic
submission of a membership application is possible.
Chapter Chair
Vladimir Dimcev